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This Old Heart

I just met a really sweet woman. She's got it going on in every way -- brains, beauty, style, and then some. Miracle of miracles, she's single and seems to like me, too. Unfortunately, I just came out of a relationship. I know -- let's just say I've learned from past mistakes -- that I am not ready to get seriously involved with anyone right now, and I probably won't be ready for a few months. I'm worried that if I don't jump now, she'll think I'm not interested, or she'll start seeing somebody else. Should I go against my better judgment, ask her out, and try to take it really, really slowly? This woman is too great -- I can't let her get away.


NEVER OFFER a woman your heart until you've finished duct-taping it back together.

Instead, tell her something like this: "I really want to ask you out, but I just broke up with someone. I'd like to take your number and call you in a few months." Translation: I am the picture of emotional health and restraint, and someday soon I could make you a very good boyfriend.

Don't allow impatience to go out with her to mess up the pretty picture you've drawn. If you get fidgety, look for a woman who isn't into anything more than a night or two of nude Twister. Although you can't heal heartbreak by losing yourself in the crotch of can be a lot of fun to try.

Copyright ©1998-9, Amy Alkon, from her syndicated column, Ask The Advice Goddess, which appears in 60 papers across the U.S. and Canada. All rights reserved.